
No Diebold or ES&S machines, no threatening pollsters, no interference from poll workers, no threatening calls, no nothing... seems when its a done deal concerning the way a State or locality votes Rove and his minions stay away and concentrate on key elections in swing states. I walked into a church on Yucca Street in Hollywood situated right next to the Hollywood freeway right under the Hollywood sign.

No sign of the dreaded Liberal Hollywood elite. Only a couple elderly ladies and one or two delightful young punk rocker voters exercising their right to choose representation. No line, not even a wait. Four open voting booths that utilized ink pens on a chain and a booklet that sits next to the ballot. No hanging chads in sight either, only a very clear hole next to a reasonably well printed and simple to use list of local and national individuals seeking office, local and statewide issues. I pushed the full and very black ink pen into the various holes and they clearly imprinted on the ballot. A nearly straight anti-republican ticket save for the vote I marked for the Green party candidate running against Dianne Feinstein, Senator from California. Cowardly on my part or narcissistic? Perhaps, but her voting in lockstep with the Administration these past years for war and Constitutional destruction make me hesitate to send such people back to DC. More to the point I cringe at the spots she ran featuring her and her impish granddaughter having a cute laugh at an old spot she ran when the teenager was a wee baby. The kid says she would vote for grandma, despite her being underage. Shoot me now...

A helpful poll worker then showed me the correct way to tear off the receipt at the top of the ballot, yes a real paper trail to at least show I voted that matched the ballot number, showed me how to correctly insert the ballot into the locked analog machine that tallies and stores the ballot, and handed me a patriotic little sticker to tell people I voted. Nobody waiting outside to threaten me, shoot me as they might in Iraq or interfere with my voting experience in any way, shape or form.

Also not a single person asking exit poll questions, again I suppose when its clear which way a community historically votes they don't need my input.

Too bad the entire country can't see how simple our lives would be and how smoothly our government would run if it were so everywhere.

Howard Luken
Hollywood, California

Forgot to mention, here in Hollywood... the pollworkers didn't even ask me for any identification... guess they believe people are honest enough and that I knew my address was all the identification I needed!