
I have read your article with interest, as one of your northern neighbours the actions of your government from time to time affect us up here in varying degrees. I would prefer a neighbouring people vigourous in the defense of their constitution and their rights and with few exceptions it isn't happening, at least from my limited view point.. Your president is just the tip of the iceberg it seems to me for I think the republican party has corralled in the business interests which includes the media, with Congress a republican sea and the old cry of "the business of America is business" a neofacist regime is being brought into being. I predict with tongue in cheek that before the 2004 election either a red alert will be brought in and martial law declared and that will be the end of free elections or the voting will be done by electronic means with no paper trail and guess who gets in.. I don't look to the democrats to turn back the tide as they to some extent suffer from the same need for large lumps of money. Bleak it is but until the citizens take back the country it will remain in the hands of the vested interests of business and you know how patriotic they are as more and more of their manufacturing is done elsewhere on the globe.

I worked in the US during the 60's and early 70's and you are not the open handed generous nation you were even then. Even when going through your own dark hour in VN, behind it seemed to be a desire to abide by the idea of free men and women, you were a beacon to others less free. Now one can see Russia lurching from totalitarianism to democracy while its arch rival is smoothly going in the opposite direction with the majority of its voters cheering it on with a misguided idea of patriotism.  The govmint is fast becoming the greatest enemy of the people. There is no greater defense against harm by terrorists or others than a free people vigourous in their enjoyment and defense of their rights and freedoms and knowlegable their responsibilities. For Gods sake and your own, rise up.

Jim Colgan
Victoria BC Canada