
Thank you Mr Wasserman for the outstanding article--I'm 70 and in all my memory no Pres has ever been like Bush--He has lied about everything--I blame the US press for not bringing these lies out in the open--the Brits are holding Blair's feet to the fire--Has anyone checked what Bush is doing to North Korea? what he is doing is the most reckless approch he has adopted to North Korea since comming into office--and Afghanistan is a hair breath from sliding back into warlords--Iran? Let me tell you what it is really about--Bush is in the process of installing a US regime that will privatize the Middle East oil--so it can be turned over to US energy corporations--Kenny Boy of Enron you will never go to jail--but bring a bus load of cash to the 2004 election--Mr Wasserman we cannot have 4 more years of this man--perhaps Old Europe will help get rid of him--haha One can only hope thanks again for the great article--

Virginia Johnston--Gainesville, FL