We start GREE-GREE #112 with BARBARA HAYS of the Maryland National Organization for Women.

We start GREE-GREE #112 with BARBARA HAYS of the Maryland National Organization for Women.  Barbara gives us a brilliant overview of the impact of Roe v. Wade on the mid-term elections and the role we can expect women to play.

We are then honored with TATANKA BRICCA, DANNY SHEEHAN and SARA NELSON of the ROMERO INSTITUTE, who give us a unique look at the need to pull together a national progressive grassroots movement.

That movement needs to compile a clear and powerful progressive agenda spelling out for the American people exactly what needs to be done to save the nation.

From this “island of stability” must come a slate of candidates for the Presidency, Vice Presidency and a full cabinet, plus the Congress and a wide range of state and local offices…a “government in waiting” ready to run things once the fascists are defeated.

Sara also runs through “where the rubber meets the road” in critical energy issues in California and around the nation.

Her in-depth analysis of how to change the energy picture in California joins Danny’s brilliant, piercing critique of where we need to go to save what’s left of our democracy.

Energy activist JENNIFER TANNER wraps things up with powerful invocation of the kinds of strategies that have and will continue to work to save our planet.

Next week we will do another deep dive into the California energy picture just a day prior to a major statewide pro-solar march in Sacramento.  See you then!!!
Part 1: https://youtu.be/MlqC5LpQlmM

Part 2: https://youtu.be/oYnQv68ojtc