Most of the billions of people on this planet have been in shock. They are as disappointed, as disgusted and horrified by what the Bush coup d'etat regime has been doing. But finally, the tide has turned, and now, the majority of Americans, according to the latest Newsweek poll, want George W. Bush replaced.

Throughout Europe, the middle east, and most of the third world, the people have been let down by America the Great. It has been replaced by America the oaf, America the bully, America the rapist, America the corrupt and America the dishonest thief.

So these billions of humans, awed by the super power of the US, are waiting, waiting for the good people of the US tto rescue the America they used to know from the clutches of the goons who have been screwing her up, to rescue the world from a USA gone mad and stupid.

Of course, lately, those oafish goons running America into the ground have been asking for help. Like sloppy drunks, making a big mess and then asking for help cleaning it up, the republicans running the whitehouse have made weak attempts to seek help from other nations and the UN. Appropriately, these failed leaders have been rejected.

The truth is, the whole world wants to help the US, but like loving family members dealing with a drug user or alcoholic (oh, that's right, George W. was both, wasn't he?) the best way to help is not to continue enabling the unhealthy behavior. There's a massive literature on codependency. You don't keep enabling someone to go on doing the kinds of behaviors that get them in trouble. If you try, you usually get hurt. That's what happened to the UN Baghdad mission. That's what will happen to the troops of countries that try to be supportive of the US now, while it is being run by fools who refuse to face up to their irresponsible, inept lack of planning on what to do after they won their easy, photo-op war.

It will take American citizens to take back America. Just going out and voting won't do it either. There's far too much corruption in the voting business. First, Americans must clean up the vote-- to prevent "floridization" of the election process-- the use of partisan companies to selectively eliminate tens of thousands of democrat voters. They must fix the massive problems with computerized, electronic voting. There are signs that this technology is being set up for corruption by the biggest military contractors. Dennis Kucinich told me he's working on a bill that will governmentize-- the reverse of privatize-- all software used for electronic voting. And that's the way it should be. Every ballot should be a paper ballot, and it should be hand counted. There are too many ways to corrupt the process by hacking the software.

Once there's an honest and clean election process, THEN, Americans will easily take back America. They will reinstate visions of patriotism that respect constitutional rights, that respect other nations, particularly ones that democratically elect their leaders. Americans will take back control of government, taking it away from mega-corporations and lobbyists. We will take back the media, and the environment, making laws that respect the future. Because it is America's future that has been stolen, that has been utterly trashed by the corrupt revolutionaries who criminally manipulated the Florida elections to steal the presidency.

The world is waiting for the good people of the US to wake up, waiting for us to throw the bad guys out. And it's going to happen. We're moving into hurricane season, and there's a wind blowing across America, from sea to shining sea, blowing away the numbing mist that has befuddled the good people of America, that has left us sleeping in the poppy fields, like Dorothy in Wizard of OZ. We are waking up and we don't like what we see. that wind is THE TRUTH. It is shining light upon the lies and corruption, the sell-outs to corporations... Soon enough, as more and more Americans come out of their haze, their testosterone stupor, and realize that talking macho is not the kind of strength a real leader shows, the good Americans will rescue the Good USA that the world's citizens used to be able to trust and respect.

Soldiers will tell their true stories of the mess that is Iraq. Bush and company can't keep them there forever. Once they return home the word will no longer be censored. We'll hear about the massive failure of the USA's Iraq endeavor.

More diplomats and CIA and FBI agents will come forward. They are patriots, misguided in beleiving that the current president is the object of their patriotism. As they awaken to realize that it is their country, not it's president they must support, then they will cast more light on the darkness that is the Bush regime. And with their awakening, and the new light they cast, American will rise the occasion. Justice and Democracy will prevail. The world will have an America back that is healthy enough to be helped. And all the world will rush to help us then. The light is beginning to show at the end of the tunnel.

Rob Kall is publisher of progressive news and opinion website and organizer of cutting edge meetings that bring together world leaders, such as the Winter Brain Meeting and the StoryCon Summit Meeting on the Art, Science and Application of Story. This article is copyright by Rob Kall, but permission is granted for reprint in print, email, blog, or web media so long as this credit is attached.