On Nov. 24 Columbus passed a water/sewer rate increase that will raise the average bill by about $40/year. Yet the City is a long way from spending our ratepayer dollars in an economic and environmentally beneficial manner. The Club’s work has the potential to redirect the spending of billions of dollars. Make out a tax-deductible check to the Sierra Club Foundation and mail it to: Sierra Club Treasurer, 6760 Hayhurst St., Worthington, OH 43085. We have a generous donor who will match all donations up to $2000!
We urge you to become involved in the Sierra Club’s Sewers Campaign, whether it’s donating a few hours or a few dollars. You can help by writing Mayor Michael Coleman at 90 W. Broad St., Columbus 43215 or calling him at 645-7671. Tell him: “For Our Health, Stop Sewage Overflows.” Or send him an email at mac@cmhmetro.net. You can also send an email from the Sierra Club Ohio Action Network.
Columbus provides sewer services to much of Central Ohio. Call COG Chair Pat Marida at 614-890-7865 marida@wideopenwest.com and volunteer to help in the Columbus Sewers Campaign.
We urge you to become involved in the Sierra Club’s Sewers Campaign, whether it’s donating a few hours or a few dollars. You can help by writing Mayor Michael Coleman at 90 W. Broad St., Columbus 43215 or calling him at 645-7671. Tell him: “For Our Health, Stop Sewage Overflows.” Or send him an email at mac@cmhmetro.net. You can also send an email from the Sierra Club Ohio Action Network.
Columbus provides sewer services to much of Central Ohio. Call COG Chair Pat Marida at 614-890-7865 marida@wideopenwest.com and volunteer to help in the Columbus Sewers Campaign.