The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is planning to vote next week on a
proposal to weaken rules that protect the public from media monopolies – even
though it hasn't released the proposal publicly. From the details that have...
15 May 2003
Some politicians are still attempting to use last summer's forest fires for
political advantage. Two House committees have approved a harmful anti-forests
bill sponsored by Rep. Scott McInnis (Colo.) and Rep. Greg Walden (Ore.) that
12 May 2003
To READ THE STATEMENT condemning Bush's new aggression
against Cuba, go to
To see the...
To see the...
04 May 2003
I just received a call from Peggy Kidwell concerning her husband Joe
Kidwell. Joe was an outspoken medical marijuana activist in Southern
California who moved to Kentucky. In Kentucky, he was arrested for
possession. He was not...
20 April 2003
Congressman George Miller (D-CA, 7th District), a senior member on the House
of Representatives Education and Workforce Committee, along with 73 of his
colleagues has introduced “The Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2003” (H.R. 965).
20 April 2003
Send your own version of this email to your Senator if you want to stop the Patriot Act.
Dear Senator,
I write to express my strong concern about media reports indicating that the Bush Administration and certain...
Dear Senator,
I write to express my strong concern about media reports indicating that the Bush Administration and certain...