Leah is joined by ANDREA MILLER of the Center for Common Ground, RAY MCCLENDON of Communities United, MAYA VAN ROSSUM of the Green Amendments campaign, and HOLLY MOSHER of Why Do You Vote, who shows us a wonderful video of folks explain...
Our astoundingly dense GREEP Zoom #178 starts with VINNIE DESTEFANO giving us some rare but important good news on JULIAN ASSANGE & his ridiculous victimization by the US government.
In this case a British court has ruled that...
As the 2020 presidential election entered its final stretch, Christina Bobb was not just covering it as a TV newswoman for the pro-Donald Trump One America News Network (OANN). The tall, dark-haired, clear-speaking ex-marine and lawyer...
VINNIE DESTEFANO’S information on Julian Assange includes a way YOU can help by calling your Senators & Representatives to get him FREE!
MYLA RESON, DAVID GURAN and WENDI LEDERMAN chime into the amazing battle to save the...
Linda explains that the extreme heat, pressure and radiation inside a nuclear reactor have embrittled Reactor Pressure Vessels, robbing nukes everywhere of their braking systems…rendering them all vulnerable to the next apocalyptic...
Plus she tells of our great adventure on the legendary peace boat GOLDEN RULE and the time we were rammed (true!!!) by a police boat while protesting Portland’s militaristic “fleet week.”
The great DENNIS BERNSTEIN joins us with...