
23 July 2007
America has played the role of the bull in the Iraqi china shop. It was inarguably not the most peaceful establishment in town to begin with; its “employees” have fought amongst themselves since the dawn of recorded history. But Iraq is...
23 July 2007
The first awful, horrendous truth is we don’t know our own real enemy.  It’s not Al Qaeda, it’s not Saddam Hussein, and it’s not terror.  None of these pose a threat to the existence of our democracy.  Properly managed, Al Qaeda has far...
11 July 2007
The Republican defense of President Bush’s commutation of Scooter Libby’s prison sentence in the main has been based on “Clinton did it first”, focusing specifically on President Clinton’s pardon of his friend, financier Mark Rich, and...
05 July 2007
Dear Editor,

Have you ever wondered why Big and Brutal Tobacco companies are so aggressive to own and control people with influence by bartering tickets, trips, and tips to them for their silence and support? How could you...
03 July 2007
There are four words more dear to the soul of a Republican than any other. They express his or her deepest beliefs, their hopes for the future and their pride in past achievements. They are in fact the spiritual underpinning of the modern...
01 July 2007
Dear Mr. Solomon, regarding Project Censored. Good show !!

I admire your fortitude.

With over 100 high level military and intelligence experts insisting the official 9/11 myth is false (,...


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