
27 June 2013
America, America . . .

Certainly Edward Snowden’s crime is one of public relations. In this day and age, power ain’t just jackboots, tanks and missiles. What he did by outing the NSA and its gargantuan surveillance operation...
26 June 2013
By and 5-4 vote today, June 25, 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court has sanctioned the return of apartheid in nine states in our union that have a long legacy of blocking black and Latino voters.

The Court struck down Section 4 of...
25 June 2013
Dallas Mayor Bars Public and Free Speech in Dealey Plaza on 50th Anniversary of Kennedy Assassination

Press release.

(Dallas, TX) Mike Rawlings, the Mayor of Dallas, Texas has announced an event to be held on...
24 June 2013
During my time (1993 to 1999) as President of {the now defunct} South East Clevelanders Together {SECT} I worked to promote community organizing in Cleveland, Ohio {Slavic Village} to address quality of life issues {such as crime watch} in...
24 June 2013
Edward Snowden is the 29 year-old whistleblower who recently leaked the vast surveillance capabilities of US spy agencies, exposing to the public just how much the government is spying on American citizens. Within days, Senator Feinstein...
24 June 2013
When the wealthy nations of the world meet as the G8 or in any other gathering, it's interesting to imagine what they would do if they followed the golden rule, valued grandchildren, disliked unnecessary suffering, or wished to outgrow...


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