30 August 2013
Without whistleblowers, the mainline media outlets are more transfixed than ever with telling the official story. And at a time like this, the official story is all about spinning for war on Syria.

Every president who wants...
30 August 2013
Amid the increased likelihood that President Barack Obama will cave in to pressure from foreign policy hawks to “Libya-ize” Syria and to accord Syrian President Bashar al-Assad the same treatment meted out to Libya’s Col. Muammar Gaddafi,...
29 August 2013
An interesting aspect of the military coup in Egypt has been the attitude of American mainstream commentators who suggest that unlike Egypt and other countries, the chances of a military coup in the United States are virtually nil. See,...
27 August 2013
On August 28, 1963, some 250,000 people marched on Washington, DC. The platform for the speakers and singers program was set up on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, looking out on the Reflecting Pond with the Washington Monument in the...
27 August 2013
The March on Washington means many things to many people, but for those of us who were born well after the event, the occasion runs the risk of resembling just another footnote in a textbook. Reading about Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous...
27 August 2013
This Wednesday, Aug. 28, on the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington and Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous “Dream” oration, President Barack Obama will speak from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, joined by former Presidents Bill...


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