
25 August 2012
More Washington insiders are coming to the conclusion that Israel’s leaders are planning to attack Iran before the U.S. election in November in the expectation that American forces will be drawn in. There is widespread recognition that,...
24 August 2012
No joke. A little innovative thinking and economic calculation, and someone has come up with a model in Niagara Falls that could restore the U.S. economy and every economy influenced by it, not to mention the natural environment and what'...
23 August 2012
“Everyone loved him.” The hole was too deep; these words couldn’t fill it. But there they remain, floating on the regret, vibrant with the possibility of a different kind of world. We’ve always been in the process of...
20 August 2012
Some folk, such as Nathan Schneider, suggest there will be No Revolution Without Religion, but I humbly suggest success does not require religion, per...
19 August 2012
It doesn’t take a high school graduate to realize there aren’t enough jobs in the United States. But it does take a high school graduate to do most of what jobs there are.

The stalemates that exist between the political right...
15 August 2012
The Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism (CICJ) which publishes the made a comprehensive public records request on July 3, 2012 to virtually every county and municipal election official in Wisconsin. The Free Press...


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