
02 November 2012
Earlier this year President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law. It allows for the indefinite detention without trial for any U.S. citizen deemed to be a terrorist or an accessory to terrorism.

31 October 2012
With election day less than a week away, the spectre of another stolen election is upon us. The airwaves and internet are at last filling with discussion of this possibility.

When the first stories were broken by a handful of...
28 October 2012
From what I can make of the presidential election campaign, there are differences and also disturbing similarities in the respective policies of Obama and Romney. In the end, I choose Obama over Romney as, in Phyllis Bennis' words, the "...
27 October 2012
As Election Day 2012 approaches, I find myself haunted by memories of Election Day 2004, November 2. At that time I was volunteering with George Soros’ organization, America Coming Together. I was working with a lot of people from...
26 October 2012
“I have no secret plan for peace. I have a public plan.”

I listen to these words with fresh awe, 40 years later. They pierce the soul. Once upon a time, presidential politics was this open, this responsive to moral concerns....
21 October 2012
When I was a philosophy grad student in the ancient times at the U. of Virginia, some over-smart logician pointed out to me that voting is not rational, since a single vote is never decisive. It's all the other stuff that's rational:...


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