16 October 2011
On September 27, the Ohio Senate passed HB 63, an Ohio Right Right to Life (ORTL) bill to "tighten" up the procedures by which unmarried women in Ohio under the age of 18 can get an abortion without parental notification and consent. The...
13 October 2011
Just one short week ago, I read Ray McGovern's excellent article Israel’s Window to Bomb Iran; suggesting that Israel has a limited window to attack Iran. In...
10 October 2011
Swanson spoke with the Columbus Free Press on Saturday during the occupations in D.C. at Freedom Plaza and McPherson Square. “It takes sacrifice but it’s very enjoyable. It takes discipline because we can be co-opted and misdirected,...
08 October 2011
“The Future is calling and has some serious concerns. Please pick up.”
It’s a Sunday afternoon, fivish, the sun is sinking and a chill is in the air. Ah, Chicago, vibrant with culture, crime and capital, but sort of dead at this...


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