04 October 2011
Remarks at Take Back the Dream conference, October 3, 2011.
For videos of this speech and of remarks by Derrick Crowe and Jo Comerford click here: Rebuild the Dream in...
02 October 2011
To whom it may concern - and by that I mean all of us and all those yet to come:
I am, or more precisely "we are," writing an essay called The Progressive Humanifesto to articulate and advance the progressive vision for America and...
02 October 2011
It’s almost unimaginable but it may be near the end for the U.S. military and quite possibly, the end of war. It is the result of the President’s recent decision to allow gays to openly serve in the military. Two million men and women in...
28 September 2011
The old order and the old integrity slowly collapse, but the statues remain, and the words. How odd they sound:

“The founder of the University of Chicago, John D. Rockefeller, on December 13, 1910, made provision for the...


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