02 April 2011
Salam, ‘aleikum! - - ???? ?????!
We welcome you and the possibility of peace to this forgotten but gorgeous place.
We thank you for your hearts of peace in joining us today.
We, the ordinary youth of Afghanistan, have...
31 March 2011
As the Tomahawk missiles, our million dollar babies, rained down on Gadaffi’s army and who knows what else these past couple weeks, I couldn’t help but feel the clenched American fist protruding over global events again.

29 March 2011
I just read "Green Party: The US must honor Libyan rebels’ call for no military attacks" at the Green Party Watch blog at...
29 March 2011
President Obama on Monday said he would "never hesitate" to use the U.S. military "unilaterally" to defend "interests" and "values," including "maintaining the flow of commerce." Fear of exactly that led the founders of this republic to...
25 March 2011
I assume that to some, I dare say, to the majority of Western citizens, it must be a relief to see that ‘our’ force for good has not lost its momentum – that humanitarian benevolence which characterizes the self-portrait we paint of our...
24 March 2011
In Kabul, on the same day that Der Spiegel released photos documenting American soldiers posing with the bodies of civilians they murdered, the Transitional Justice Coordinating Group (TJCG), the umbrella organization for NGO’s in...


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