
29 September 2008
There was only one foreign policy asked about in Friday night's foreign policy debate: war and potential wars.

Obama began the debate by allowing McCain to get away with claiming the mantle of "accountability" on the issue of...
29 September 2008
Today's vote on the Paulson Plunder Act of 2008 may fail. It should. You should help block it by phoning your representative right now at (202) 224-3121 and promising to vote for them in November only if they vote NO on this grand...
11 September 2008
As corporate media coverage of the presidential race becomes even more notably stingy with intrepid journalism, the mainstream press enthusiasm for "The Daily Show" seems more cloying than ever.

The pattern is now a routine...
08 September 2008
With varying degrees of confidence or even complacency, many people have assumed that the jig is almost up for the horrendous political era that began when George W. Bush became president. Always dubious, the assumption is now on very...
03 September 2008
What does it say about John McCain that he picked not only the least experienced Vice Presidential nominee in America’s history, but someone he really doesn’t know? Departing so far from any normal concept of appropriate background, he...
21 August 2008
Bob Fitrakis, with the Ecological Options Network crew, interviewed Rep. Tubbs-Jones after the 2004 election debacle and subsequent 2005 challenge to the Ohio electoral votes. Watch it here:



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