Michael Moore's new book is called "Mike's Election Guide 2008," and
it's a nice combination of the comical and the useful. The comical comes
first. Chapter One consists of Mike's answers to random election-related
questions, and his...
06 October 2008
My daughters and I have cast paper ballots in the opening days of the 2008 presidential election. It was their first time voting in a presidential election.
That they have only voted with an African-American atop the...
That they have only voted with an African-American atop the...
04 October 2008
The “necessary war” in Afghanistan, which both presidential candidates support — the one, you know, that’s really about terrorists and Osama and all — raises as many troubling questions about who we are as the other war we’re fighting and...
29 September 2008
There was only one foreign policy asked about in Friday night's foreign policy debate: war and potential wars.
Obama began the debate by allowing McCain to get away with claiming the mantle of "accountability" on the issue of...
Obama began the debate by allowing McCain to get away with claiming the mantle of "accountability" on the issue of...
29 September 2008
Today's vote on the Paulson Plunder Act of 2008 may fail. It should. You
should help block it by phoning your representative right now at (202)
224-3121 and promising to vote for them in November only if they vote NO
on this grand...
11 September 2008
As corporate media coverage of the presidential race becomes even more
notably stingy with intrepid journalism, the mainstream press enthusiasm for
"The Daily Show" seems more cloying than ever.
The pattern is now a routine...
The pattern is now a routine...