30 May 2007
Advocates for impeachment can take some measure of encouragement not just from the 85 cities and towns and 14 state Democratic parties that have passed impeachment resolutions, or the 11 state legislatures that have introduced them (Maine...
29 May 2007
I picked up a pamphlet the other day that said "Just for You" at the top, so I assumed it was just for me.  Much of the front page contained an image of soldiers marching, and next to them the words "What's your exit strategy?"  That's...
29 May 2007
Over the past two months of repeated Congressional votes to fund the occupation of Iraq, culminating in President Bush's signing the bill on Friday, what – if anything – have we learned?  Have we learned anything about individuals or...
27 May 2007
The cave-in on Capitol Hill -- supplying a huge new jolt of funds for the horrific war effort in Iraq -- is surprising only to those who haven’t grasped our current circumstances.

Public opinion polls aren’t the same as...
24 May 2007
Another day, another impeachable offense.  If this one were on a television show we'd all flip it off in disgust as too unlikely.  The President phones up a hospital to demand that the ailing Attorney General (who has turned over his...
24 May 2007
I knew there was a war on against cancer and, oh yeah, drugs, illiteracy, poverty, crime and, of course, terror, and that many arenas — sports, religion, business and politics, to name a few — are often portrayed as war without the body...


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