
12 December 2006
I just got my Visa bill for my final election donations-all those click-and-donate appeals in my email box and on the Web. I gave more than I thought I had, more than I'd intended to spend, and more than I'd ever given before. You make...
08 December 2006
Did you notice something about the Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group Report?  It recommends all sorts of changes, all of them far short of actually ending the war, but it recommends them all to the same person responsible for the disastrous...
06 December 2006
The Minneapolis Star-Tribune recently published an editorial that said of Bush: "His pronouncements now bear no resemblance to reality."  Now?  Oh, never mind.

Marc Sandalow, the Washington Bureau Chief for the San Francisco...
01 December 2006
As a zone of ongoing, large-scale bloodletting, Darfur in the western Sudan has big appeal for U.S. news editors. Americans are not doing the killing, or paying for others to do it. So there's no need to minimize the slaughter with the...
30 November 2006
Troublemaker Charles Rangel, the incoming chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, has a deliciously bad idea.

The New York congressman recently reprised his audacious proposal - first made nearly four years ago, with...
26 November 2006
Imagine a steer in the stockyards hollering to his fellows, "We need a phased withdrawal from the slaughterhouse, starting in four to six months. The timetable should not be overly rigid. But there should be no more equivocation." Back and...


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