15 September 2006
AUSTIN, Texas -- She was so generous with her responses to other people. If you told Ann Richards something really funny, she wouldn't just smile or laugh, she would stop and break up completely. She taught us all so much -- she was a...
15 September 2006
Rock Star and long-time environmental activist John Hall just won the Democratic primary in an upstate New York district that hosts what could be the world's most catastrophic nuclear plant. He wants it shut, and may soon be in Congress...
10 September 2006
I'd actually be fine if ABC aired their Swift Boating mockudrama, The Path to /9/11. They just have to do one little thing:

Every couple minutes they need to interrupt the movie with a black screen that stays around for at...
08 September 2006
You trip over one fundamental idiocy of the 9/11 conspiracy nuts -- the ones who say Bush and Cheney masterminded the attacks -- in the first paragraph of the book by one of their high priests, David Ray Griffin, "The New Pearl Harbor." "...
03 September 2006
On Tuesday, September 5th, at least three things will change.  Congress will finish vacationing and return to its long and difficult task of destroying the world; many of us will welcome our Congress Members back to Washington with a giant...
03 September 2006
Soon we will launch the last phase of the midterm elections. Hopes will flare up. Though the numbers are dwindling, some people go through their whole adult lives thinking that the next Democrat to hunker down in the Oval Office is going...


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