
15 August 2014



1. It's not a rescue mission.  The U.S. personnel could be evacuated without the 500-pound bombs.  The persecuted minorities could be supplied, moved, or their enemy dissuaded, or all three, without the 500-pound...

08 August 2014




A new film called Wisconsin Rising is screening around the country, the subject, of course, being the activism surrounding the mass occupation of...

08 August 2014



Before nuclear weapons, after nuclear weapons . . .

“The latter era, of course,” writes Noam...

30 July 2014


U.S. alone in vote against investigation of crimes against humanity  

Is there any doubt that Israelis and Palestinians have been committing war crimes and crimes against...

30 July 2014



War and cancer are among our leading causes of human death around the world.  They can't be strictly separated and compared since war is a major cause of cancer,...

29 July 2014



This week marks the 49th anniversary of two of the most important “big government” programs ever — Medicare and Medicaid.

On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed these two critical health care...


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