
27 May 2014



If war were inevitable, there would be little point in trying to end it. If war were inevitable, a moral case might be made for trying to lessen its damage while it continued. And numerous parochial cases could be made...

21 May 2014



Writing recently in TheNation, Chris Hayes drew an intensely unnerving parallel between the use of fossil fuels as an energy source...

19 May 2014



The American Condoleezza Rice, 60, Iraq War architect, and the French Christine Lagarde, 58, International Monetary Fund managing director, have little in common beyond being women of power who have contributed to the...

16 May 2014



An outrage against decency -- the kidnapping of over 270 young girls in northeastern Nigeria by the Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram -- has brought Nigeria international attention, however unwanted. The U.N.Security...
16 May 2014

Last month, they emptied the storage locker and took all the displays to individuals’ homes. On Saturday, an immense funeral pyre consumed the
6,800 wooden tombstones.
Members of the...

15 May 2014

Georgia State Jim Crow Style Graduations

The systematic practice of discriminating against and segregating Black people, especially as practiced in the American South is called “Jim Crow”. This practice is still alive and well in...


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