25 August 2011
Israeli writer Uri Avnery recently wrote an article entitled 'How Godly Are Thy Tents?', which began with the words, "First of all, a warning."

The reference was made to the tent cities that have sprung up across the country...
25 August 2011
Rachel Radina is a graduate student working w/ Miami University Defend Ohio “We’re concerned about the push to privatize our public universities in Ohio. Chancellor (Jim ) Petro put out a report last week or a plan to create charter-- or...
25 August 2011
If Snoopy had ever pointed out to Charlie Brown that Lucy was just going to yank the football away again at the last second, Charlie would have only heard barking.
I hope all the good people chattering away about how cutting Social...
14 August 2011
BANGKOK, Thailand -- Thailand's first female prime minister did not give any cabinet positions to her Red Shirt parliamentary allies, despite their role in bringing her to power through their anti-coup insurrection last year which left 91...
11 August 2011
BANGKOK, Thailand -- Parliament elected Yingluck Shinawatra as Thailand's first female prime minister on Friday (August 5), but she faces a hostile U.S.-trained military which toppled her brother from power in a 2006 putsch and crushed...
11 August 2011
Ohio Secretary of State John Husted has banned all minor political parties in Ohio from the ballot. In an August 5, 2011 letter written to the Libertarian Party of Ohio, Husted made it clear that his interpretation of the draconian Ohio...


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