30 March 2023

Glasses up for those French workers and Middle-Class people that are trying to save Western Civilization and its liberal democracy! 

In many other parts of the Western world, not so much in the Global South, for some people you...

29 March 2023

“Chief Drake said it was too early to discuss a possible motive for ...

27 March 2023

The announcement by Vladimir Putin over the weekend that Russia will deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus marked a further escalation of potentially cataclysmic tensions over the war in neighboring Ukraine. As the Associated Press...

26 March 2023

I honestly believe that Cirque du Soleil’s official motto is “gravity is for sissies” – or, if it isn’t, it really should be. This psychedelic circus, which had been wowing audiences for almost 40 years, has returned to Los Angeles with...


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