
01 June 2021

Several things are happening simultaneously. Most important, Israel has lost the public opinion war in much of the world through its brutality during the recent attack on Gaza and it continues to lose ground...

01 June 2021

BANGKOK, Thailand -- Some of Biden's and Trump's most active boosters
here in Southeast Asia have joined forces, demanding the State
Department vaccinate all American expats in Thailand, as a model for

31 May 2021


I would like to announce the publication of a book which discusses the duty of scientists and engineers to try to prevent the catastrophes that currently threaten human society and the biosphere. The book may be freely...

30 May 2021

(Note by Gary Kohls:: The sobering information below is from my courageous whistle-blowing friend from Canada, Kevin Annett. It concerns the covered-up, unindicted and therefore unpunished official Canadian genocide and crimes against...


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