
19 September 2019

I have just read a superb book by Mark Isaacs, an Australian who has documented several years of effort by a group of incredibly committed young people in Afghanistan to build peace in that war-...

19 September 2019

The irony of this old New Yorker ...

17 September 2019

BANGKOK, Thailand -- After destroying much of Tibet's Buddhist
religion and causing the Dalai Lama to flee, the Chinese government is
now teaching Tibetan monks that every "living Buddha" must obey the
law while...

16 September 2019

Trump with Likud Party Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Aka, the Likud Party Half of the “US/Israeli Wannabe Authoritarian Tag-team”)


Israel’s influential center-left newspaper, Haaretz, commented...

16 September 2019

I just read a fine article that Paul Craig Roberts wrote on 9/11/2019, in which he mentioned a number of the many hundreds of “Things That Most Americans Have Never Heard About 9/11”.


I decided to try to strengthen the...


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