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The Other Side Of The News
I just reviewed The 7 Stages of Grieving at the Skylight Theatre about Australia’s indigenous people and remarked on how fresh and original that production is. The same holds true for Circa Contemporary Circus, which...
November 11, 2019, is Armistice Day 101 (or 102 if you want to be all mathematically accurate and elitist about it). Anyway, it’s been over a century now since World War I was ended at a scheduled moment (11 o’clock on the 11th day of...
BANGKOK, Thailand -- In a surprise reversal, the Dalai Lama said his
Tibetan Buddhist tradition of reincarnated dalai lamas "should end
now" because the hierarchy created "a feudal system," a description
“Everyone wants to play with the big boys, and the only way to become one of the big boys is to have ...