May Day seems like an auspicious time to release director/co-writer/ co-producer/co-cinematographer Rachel Lears’ Sundance award-winning documentary Knock Down the House, which focuses on the primary challenges of four left-...
Entertainment misinforms. Humans cannot possibly survive into a distant future that includes light-speed travel while simultaneously behaving like feral animals. Torture doesn’t work. Politicians don’t resemble Martin Sheen. The poor...
Executive Director of World BEYOND War
BasesIn a day and age when many of us are taught to overcome prejudice and behave respectfully toward all, mainstream U.S. media...
Here I am sleeping at the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington D.C. so that a coup government led by a graduate of George Washington University a few blocks from here doesn’t take the place over or send the U.S. Secret Service (and what the...
Give a judge a couple of years and he’ll eventually blurt out that the sky is blue.
That’s now happened in Charlottesville, where...
Read this article from Friday: “Do U.S. High Schools Bar Military Recruiters?...