
10 May 2017

As of this writing, 7,269 people in the United States, and rising steadily, have posted messages of friendship to the people of Russia. They can be read, and more can be added at...

Young looking man with brown hair receding hairline against trees in background
09 May 2017

I could begin by stating that the world, despite small and justified protests, is celebrating Emmanuel Macron’s recent victory in the French presidential election. On the surface, it would be an accurate statement. People across the...

09 May 2017

Corporate Democrats and liberal commentators love to scapegoat the activist left for their catastrophic failures. The blame game just fell to a new low with...

07 May 2017


onald Trump’s latest insane excursion into US history has been to claim that his great hero, Andrew Jackson, might have prevented the...

Purple baseball cap that says Restore Sanity
07 May 2017

Also by Lila Garrett, Bob Fitrakis, Suzanne Patzer, David Swanson, Ilene Proctor, Jan Goodman, Jerry Manpearl, Myla Reson, Alan Minsky, Linda Seeley, and many more

The unthinkable is upon us.

A president of the...


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