
The map of Ohio with the Ohio flag coloring it in, red stripes and a blue triangle with white stars inside and a red circle
17 August 2017

Ohio 2004 Case Study


In March 2004, Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman published the article Diebold, Electronic Voting, and the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy on and on...

Map of Florida with State of Florida seal coloring it in, a red line with a gold circle and pictures inside
17 August 2017

Florida 2000 Case Study


In 2000, Democrat Al Gore, the incumbent Vice President, won the nationwide presidential vote tally by more than 500,000 votes. But for the first time since 1876, a Constitutional crisis arose...

15 August 2017

As most everyone knows, white supremacists descended upon my city of Charlottesville, VA, this past weekend, and chaos, violence and tragedy ensued. I’ve been thinking since then about the concept of supremacy and how odious it is–as if...

14 August 2017

1. Let’s start with the obvious. Charlottesville, Virginia, and Charlotte, North Carolina, are actually two completely different places in the world. The flood of concern and good wishes for those of us here in...

14 August 2017
Yet another deadly firestorm now swirls around Robert E. Lee.  As his statues head to the ash heap of history, a life defined by slavery, betrayal, and slaughter...


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