
08 July 2016

BANGKOK, Thailand -- Thailand's Constitutional Court has upheld a law
that metes out 10 years imprisonment to anyone who voices an opinion
about the junta's favored draft constitution, or campaigns for or

06 July 2016


The Democratic Party's draft...

06 July 2016

I’ve just ended two weeks visiting cities in four regions of Russia. The one question that was asked over and over was, “Why does America hate us? Why do you demonize us?” Most would add a cavaet– “I like American people and I think YOU...

06 July 2016

Clare Hanrahan's memoir...

06 July 2016


“Please be gentle.”

The story is too easy to believe. At the Memphis airport, a confused, nervous teenager sets off the metal detector — possibly because she has sequins on her shirt — and is told she needs to come to a...

03 July 2016

>>>>italics: This is urgent if you care about limiting efforts to not
limit GMO labeling, a vital consumer protection issue. Write your 2
Senators as soon as you have read this....



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