
17 February 2013
We've come to understand that the banks are too big to fail, too big to take to trial, too big not to let them write our public policy, too big not to reward them for ruining our economy.

Why have we come to understand that...
11 February 2013
BANGKOK, Thailand -- In Myanmar, the regime's helicopter gunships, mortars and other weapons are successfully crippling a 52-year-long struggle for autonomy waged by mostly Christian, ethnic minority Kachin guerrillas along the...
09 February 2013
“Drone warfare has become central to the modern U.S. version of gunboat diplomacy.”
With the U.S. and European military offensive in Africa in full swing, the drone wars are set to enter a new phase. Therefore, it is appropriate...
04 February 2013
Perhaps in your innocent youth you heard a parent or older sibling mumble those words in your direction after you pointed out a mistake they made, an error on their part that fell below the standard you were told to observe?
02 February 2013
The British security firm G4S is set to rake in massive profits thanks to crises in Mali, Libya and Algeria. Recognized as the world’s biggest security firm, the group’s brand plummeted during the London Olympics last year due to its...
31 January 2013
BANGKOK, Thailand -- When a $10 million U.S.-built surveillance blimp for hunting southern Islamist guerrillas spectacularly crashed during the prime minister's visit, it symbolized another military failure against insurgents who are now...


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