
Diablo Canyon nuke plant
18 June 2016

A rising tsunami of U.S. nuke shut-downs may soon include California’s infamous ...

17 June 2016

As with becoming a whistleblower or an activist or an artist there must be numerous reasons why any individual becomes a terrorist -- whether military, contract, or independent. Various irrational hatreds and fears...

17 June 2016

One of the film capital’s top movie-paloozas, LA Film Festival, has taken place near Culver Studios, where Gone With the Wind’s Atlanta set was burned down and giants like Alfred Hitchcock and Orson Welles made movie history....

15 June 2016

This won’t be the last.

Half a week into the Orlando tragedy, this reality remains pretty much unacknowledged, as cause-seekers focus on security and ISIS and the specific mental instability of Omar Mateen, who, as the world...

15 June 2016


"I would warn Orlando that you're right in the way of some serious hurricanes, and I don't think I'd be waving those (rainbow)flags in God's face if I were you...

15 June 2016

(Cincinnati, OH, June 7, 2016) Tri-State Freethinkers recently submitted a censored version of their Genocide & Incest Park billboard to Lamar Advertising. A censored stamp now covers the accurate but “offensive” words genocide and...


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