
18 September 2013
Now that public pressure has foiled U.S. plans to bomb Syria, the next urgent step is to build public pressure for stopping the deluge of weapons into that country.

Top officials in Washington are happy that American “lethal...
17 September 2013
When something goes right
Oh, it's likely to lose me
It's apt to confuse me
It's such an unusual sight
—Paul Simon
Larry Summers has proven unacceptable to oversee the continued destruction of the U.S. economy...
15 September 2013
Many senators began this week still uncommitted on whether they’ll vote for attacking Syria. Among the fence-sitters are enough “progressives” to swing the Senate’s decision one way or the other.

That decision is coming soon...
15 September 2013
The United States is not now bombing Syria.

Let’s savor that again: for the moment at least, the United States is not now bombing Syria.

That alone qualifies as an epic, unprecedented victory for the SuperPower...
14 September 2013
BANGKOK, Thailand -- Communist Vietnam's police clashed with hundreds of Catholics who were demanding two parishioners be released from prison, resulting in what was described as "one of the bloodiest religious crackdowns in recent years...
08 September 2013
Some smart people thought, and perhaps some still think, that the 2003-2011 war on Iraq was unique in that it was promoted with the use of blatant lies. When I'd researched dozens of other wars and failed to find one that wasn't based on...


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