
29 August 2013
BANGKOK, Thailand -- A TV station in Buddhist-majority Thailand has agreed to allow government-approved "Islamic experts" to revise a soap opera script after a small but vocal Muslim group complained that the show misrepresents their...
27 August 2013
Mairead Maguire, Nobel peace laureate, today appealed to the Rt. Hon. William Hague, British Foreign Minister, and M. Laurent Fabius, French Foreign Minister, to stop calling for military action against Syria which, she said, will only...
27 August 2013
BANGKOK, Thailand -- If you have an itchy trigger finger in Thailand, you need to be relatively wealthy to buy some of the best quality guns which are made in America and avidly collected.

Tourists meanwhile can buy custom-...
26 August 2013
David Miranda was traveling from Berlin to Brazil on business. He is Glen Greenwald's partner and also an employee of the Guardian. He was carrying a laptop, USB drives, a camera and gaming consoles. He was traveling between meetings with...
23 August 2013
Peace Activists Commemorate 50th Anniversary of March on Washington with Vigil and Procession from Vietnam Veterans Memorial to MLK Memorial

On August 23rd and 24th peace and anti-war activists will commemorate the historic...
22 August 2013
After revelations that Glenn Greenwald's partner was detained and threatened by British security forces earlier this week, Britain's rightwing media moguls made sure to close ranks and shield Westminster from too much public criticism....


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