
29 November 2007
BANGKOK, Thailand -- This Buddhist-majority nation is gearing up to elect a new prime minister and restore some democracy after last year's coup, but the mood is cynical, anxious and unsatisfied because of the choices available.
29 November 2007
I recently interviewed, for 60 minutes each, two individuals who have walked the walk. Eve Tetaz at age 76 has gone to jail for protesting the occupation of Iraq. Aidan Delgado laid down his weapon in Iraq and declared himself a...
23 November 2007
Jonathan Schell's latest book "The Seventh Decade" places our current situation in the context of the past 62 years of the nuclear age, or the past 68 years as Schell might prefer to date it.  It was 68 years ago that scientists concluded...
15 November 2007
Lago Agrio, Ecuador -- Before The Lord spoke unto Pat Robertson and told him to endorse Rudy Giuliani, family man, for President, the Reverend got a message that higher powers wanted him to arrange a hit on another President:
13 November 2007
I wonder what would happen if the people and their representatives were to shock the powerful and their funders for a change? What if on November 16th, the Iraq Moratorium day, everybody together took major actions? What if everyone...
10 November 2007
If I were a member of Congress, I would make this pledge:

I pledge to vote No on any bill, and to vote No on bringing to the floor for a vote any bill, that includes any funding to extend the occupation of Iraq. This pledge...


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