
08 October 2002
Throughout this year, the black reparations debate has become widely known, and it continued to attract increased national and international attention. In February 2002, CNN and USA Today commissioned the Gallup organization to conduct a...
02 October 2002
October surprises are built into our system, since elections come in November. Cliffhanger movies in Hollywood's old days could not have staged it better. Leaving aside hurricanes roaring out of the Gulf of Mexico and threatening to drown...
25 September 2002
All through the '80s and '90s, professorial mountebanks like James Q. Wilson, John DiIulio and Charles Murray grew sleek from best sellers about the criminal, probably innate, propensities of the "underclass," about the pathology of...
18 September 2002
Who doomed the presidency of George Bush Sr, and sent him limping back to Houston at the end of his first term? No, it wasn't Saddam Hussein, spared by Bush I in recognition of his long-term utility to the oil industry, on whom Bush Jr,...
12 September 2002
When Hitler was rising to power in 1930s Germany, somebody did him the favor of burning the Reichstag, the German Parliament. It's widely believed the Nazis torched it themselves.

Hitler's cynical minions turned that fire...
04 September 2002
A year on, amid the elegies for the dead and the ceremonies of remembrance, there are the impertinent questions: Is there really a war on terror; and if one is indeed being waged, how's it going?

The Taliban are out of power...


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