What’s behind the assault against affirmative action, race-based scholarships, educational loans and other programs designed to enhance opportunities and access for blacks, Latinos and other minorities in higher education? What’s at stake...
04 August 2000
Now, it's the turn of Al Gore and Joe Lieberman to be flattered by the same
moist-eyed press corps that's been hailing the stultifying Republican
convention in Philadelphia as a masterpiece of political stagecraft. Gore is
02 August 2000
It's "Reach Out" time. It happens every four years. Someone gets up in
front of the Republicans and reminds the white people filling 95 percent of
the convention hall that the party has to reach out. Who better than Colin
Powell? He told...
01 August 2000
There are today over two million Americans incarcerated in federal and state prisons and local jails throughout the United States. More than one-half, or one million, are black men and women. The devastating human costs of...
01 August 2000
What are the economic costs for American society of the vast expansion of our prison-industrial complex? According to criminal justice researcher David Barlow at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, between 1980 and 2000, the combined...
29 July 2000
As this first summer of the new millennium approaches, I can’t help but wax nostalgic about my two years as a professor in the Netherlands. There,
as a civil servant on a twelve month schedule, I was entitled to about nine weeks of paid...