
Stopping crime before it happens is a great idea, but stopping young men for “walking while black” — touted by true believers as the same thing — is a game played by an occupying army.

The tactic is called stop-and-frisk. As practiced by many police departments, including New York’s, it amounts to blatant racial profiling. Stop-and-frisk makes it impossible for young men of color to lead normal lives, to walk outside without fear of preemptive police harassment. The long-term hatred and tension it engenders does far more harm to a community than all the questionable good that proponents ascribe to it. Security based on racism is a sham.

So I join in the celebration of Judge Shira A. Scheindlin’s ruling Monday in Manhattan’s Federal District Court, declaring the New York Police Department’s stop-and-frisk policy unconstitutional. She accused the city of “checkpoint-style policing” in minority communities and wrote in her decision, according to the New York Times [2]: “Blacks are likely targeted for stops based on a lesser degree of objectively founded suspicion than whites.”

This past year when Republicans in the Ohio legislature passed Senate Bill 5 (SB 5), designed to wipe out public worker’s pensions, it was personal for young Mark Bukszar in Brooklyn, a working class suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. Mark’s Dad had reached retirement age and planned to retire after working three decades at Metro Health, Cleveland’s largest public hospital. SB 5 would’ve taken that from him and his family.

Mark got involved, along with his Dad and thousands of other Ohioans, in the massive campaign to save worker’s pensions and defeat SB 5. Getting active in politics for the first time, Mark gathered signatures, wrote and spoke to legislators, attended rallies. The hard work that Mark and those thousands of Ohioans put in paid off when SB 5 was defeated and public worker’s pensions were saved, at least for now. That hard work was special for Mark, but he saw wealthy special interests continuing the push to take away pensions and other gains that ordinary Ohioans had worked so hard to earn.

BANGKOK, Thailand -- Hindus and Christians in eastern India refused to allow the burial funeral of a woman who converted from Hinduism to Christianity, and her body remained in dispute until police found a neutral site on government property.

The confrontation is one of the latest in Hindu-majority India where Hindus suffer problems after converting to Christianity, Islam, Buddhism or other religions.

Kanti Lakra, 60, died of kidney failure on August 12 in a hospital in Hazaribagh, in eastern India's Jharkhand state, according to the Times of India.

Last Rites

She had converted from Hinduism to Christianity several years earlier because her husband, Shiv Prakash Ram, was Christian.

Ram wanted to bury her body according to Christian tradition in Kesura, their village near Hazaribagh.

But the family were the only Christians among the village's Hindus, and Ram could not find a local cemetery.

Distraught and grieving, Ram tried to dig a grave in their village's
In Oslo, the world’s most important peace prize has been hijacked for war.
In London, government authority has just fired a new shot at freedom of the press.
And in Washington, the Obama administration continues to escalate its attacks on whistleblowers, journalism and civil liberties.

As a nation at peace becomes a fading memory, so does privacy. Commitments to idealism -- seeking real alternatives to war and upholding democratic values -- are under constant assault from the peaks of power.

Normalizing endless war and shameless surveillance, Uncle Sam and Big Brother are no longer just close. They’re the same, with a vast global reach.

Last week, I met with the Research Director of the Nobel Committee at its headquarters in Oslo. We sat at one end of a long polished conference table, next to boxes of petitions signed by 100,000 people urging that the Nobel Peace Prize go to Bradley Manning.

In what might be it's last gasp of investigative national security reporting before the finalizing of Jeff Bezos' CIA sponsored buyout, the Washington Post released an NSA internal audit from 2012 detailing thousands of violations of the FISA and other laws and regulations governing surveillance of Americans. Despite revealing literally thousands of instances of unauthorized collection that violated the law, the report whitewashed at least one seemingly deliberate violation. The Washington Post story failed to catch this that this operator error appears to have happened by design.

Last week Attorney General Eric Holder delivered an unprecedented speech concerning America’s oldest war. Perhaps hoping to carve out a positive legacy that works to bring an end to the War on Drugs, Holder has undoubtedly initiated a step in the right direction.

Speaking at the American Bar Association’s annual meeting in San Francisco, the head of the Department of Justice did not hesitate in displaying his thoughts about our justice system. The stentorian sounds of jaws dropping across the room would ordinarily account for a news report in itself, but the speech’s content was truly unsurpassable on the day.

No one knows better than the African American as a whole that the brochure of America is better than the reality. Yet the consequence of the black church to the welfare of the African american human condition are not apparent to African americans as a whole. However, for enlightenment, it only needs to be asked “is the African American condition well today?” And then ask “What has been the institution or device African Americans have utilized to bring forth recovery, healing, and wellness in their community as a whole since being brought to the Americas and later implementation of the 13th amendment to the US constitution?” History will show it is the teachings of the church and more recent the mosque too. Since most African americans will admit their condition is not well(i.e. economically, legally, educationally, medically, spiritually), it only follows that the all the religious institutions used to bring wellness to this community of peoples has failed. And when a solution for repair is a time tested failure, it is time to try something else.

Why African American Christians Believe in their Oppressors Religion

Mercy for Animals investigations found that Wal-Mart uses pork products from factory farms that put female pigs in gestation crates.
This investigation documented: Pregnant pigs confined to filthy, metal gestation crates so small they are unable to even turn around or lie down comfortably
Workers slamming conscious piglets headfirst into the ground and leaving them to slowly suffer and die
Workers ripping out the testicles and slicing off the tails of piglets without the use of any painkillers
Sick and injured pigs with severe, bleeding wounds or infections left to suffer without veterinary care.

>Tell Walmart executives you won't stand for blatant animal abuse. Urge them to phase out cruel gestation crates.

Post a message on Walmart's Facebook page urging the company to phase out cruel gestation crates.

Speak out against Walmart's cruel practices on twitter. #walmartcruelty

Be a voice for the voiceless - We'll send the petition to each of Walmart's top executives.
While fruitlessly scouring the banks of the Potomac river for the mythical beast known as Robust Congressional Oversight, our eyes were drawn by the light of an eleven star constellation often hidden in the night and fog of post-constitutional America. Behind the clouds of official secrecy the judges of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) cast their invisible light onto the lives of the entire global family, illuminating our every word for the watchful generals and vengeful angels of the national security state.

The President, while defending the NSA's varied and all-encompassing spy program, justifies the practices by claiming that judicial review legalizes them. Few people are familiar with this court, its makeup and operations, or the scope of its authority. The evidence it sees is classified and unchallenged. The decisions it makes are state secrets. It is obfuscation to term this courts function review and even greater obfuscation to pretend that it is a neutral guardian of human rights.

Darrell Issa he could turn the tempest of the IRS's extra scrutiny of Tea-Party group's non-profit application into a Teapot Dome. On August 5, Issa, who is chair of the House Oversight Committee, widened his stalled investigation of the IRS to include contracts between revenue agency and the Federal Elections Commission. On August 7, Reuters broke the story that the NSA had been sharing personnel and resources with the DEA and IRS. Issa's aggressive grandstanding and hearings has yet to lead to the issuance of subpoenas into NSA-IRS wiretapping and data mining.

Issa's hearings and compulsive subpoena behaviors focus on IRS questioning of tax-exempt organizations’ involvement in electoral politics in ways that are not permitted within the framework of permitted non-profit charters. Issa's concerns are that certain conservative groups may have been subjected to greater scrutiny.


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