
No doubt everyone grows old in their own way.

But once you actually hit it — that three letter word, “old” — watch out: “An aged man is but a paltry thing,/A tattered coat upon a stick . . .”

So wrote William Butler Yeats, back in the last century, conjuring a mystical journey to the spiritual city of Byzantium in order to escape his entrapment in that word, and in the world that values only youth. Hey Bill, how does it feel to be so old?

Feminism has a crucial role to play in modern life, but I sometimes wish it would leave our fairy tales alone. The results of its revisionist meddling are too often unconvincing and unsatisfying.

Remember last year’s Maleficent? It turned an age-old story on its head by revealing that the fairy (Angelina Jolie) who turned a princess into a “Sleeping Beauty” was not evil at all. No, she was merely wronged and misunderstood. Worst of all, we learned that the somnambulant princess could not be awakened by a kiss from the handsome prince, but only by a motherly peck from that same fairy.

How heartwarming. And how utterly unromantic.

Thank goodness Disney’s new live-action version of Cinderella doesn’t wear its feminism on its sleeve. It has nods to modern sensibilities, to be sure, but they’re handled with a lighter touch.

Dennis Kucinich

This article first appeared on

The most consequential statement by Secretary o-fly zone would provide “safe zones on the ground” was in “the best interests of the people on the ground in Syria” and would “help us with our fight against ISIS.”

Clinton in last night’s debate was her pronouncement that a no-fly zone over Syria could “save lives and hasten the end of the conflict,” that a n

It would do none of the above. A US attempt to impose a no-fly zone in Syria would, as Secretary Clinton once cautioned a Goldman Sachs audience, “kill a lot of Syrians,” and, according to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Dunford, lead to a war with Russia. If the US has not been invited into a country to establish a “no-fly zone” such an action is, in fact, an invasion, an act of war.

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Green Columbus needs your help to make our Fall 2024 tree giveaways a success. Click the link to sign up and volunteer for our tree giveaways taking place on Sunday 9/29, Sunday 10/6, and Sunday 10/13. We appreciate you and can't wait to see you there!

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Donald Trump’s “Vigilante” campaign to steal your vote could soon put him in the White House…and land you and Taylor Swift in prison.
Mainstream polls now show Kamala Harris slightly ahead in key states.  Most indicate that if the election were held today, Harris/Walz would narrowly win.
But they miss a deadly reality: 
Nationwide, Trump has deployed thousands of MAGA vigilantes to strip likely Harris voters from the registration rolls.  Thus anti-Trump citizens whose poll numbers bolster Democratic hopes may never get the ballots they need to actually decide the election.
In Georgia, MAGA activists have already submitted mega-lists challenging voting rights of hundreds of thousands of suspected (mostly young and of color) Democrats.  The challenges require citizens to appear in person at their local election boards to confirm their identity.  There’s no legal requirement they be notified of their disenfranchisement.  Those who do go to the election boards can be rejected at will by Pro-Trump plants.

Is it possible to expand the stakes of this election beyond the nation’s two-party pseudo-democracy?

I have to write this. I have to express solidarity with all the other lost and torn voters out there, who are struggling with the question of the moment: Who should I vote for? Israel’s genocidal and expanding war – supported and abetted by both of the mainstream, “legitimate” candidates – has shattered the abstract simplicity of the voting process. Do we have no choice but to vote for ongoing murder?

Or can we vote from the depth of our souls?

If one is to visit the Mahal website, a pop-up reminder, reading ‘Apply online’, keeps appearing. It is as if the repeated beep is a reminder of the state of emergency, if not outright panic, in the Israeli military. 

 Mahal is one of several recruiting agencies that aim to entice mercenaries from all around the world to fight Israel’s dirty wars, in Gaza and on all fronts. 


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