
Details about event

Thursday, September 12, 5:30pm
Mortiz College of Law, Ohio State University, Drinko Hall, 55 W 12th Ave, Columbus, OH 43210
We’re urging everyone to join Moritz Law SJP and SJP at OSU at the Moritz Law School for a protest to continue the fight for Palestine. 
Then, join us at 7 PM for a screening of the film “Concerning Violence” which gives a penetrating look into anti-colonial movements with reference to Frantz Fanon’s classic writings! Meet us in Enarson Classroom Building room 240, or online at

CNN claims Trump told many lies and Harris just one. Yet, CNN did not
mention that Harris repeated that Hamas killed 1200 Israelis on 7 October
and that they raped women. Both not true (see for evidence). Why
do politicians lie? They are bought (see
or blackmailed to do so. But a new Poll Suggests Gaza Ceasefire and Arms
Embargo Would Help Democrats with Swing State Voters

If nothing else, Donald Trump is forcing mainstream America out of its jailcell of clichés and political correctness – even though his apparent “vision” for America is primarily a dark comedy of lies.

Yeah, I watched the debate. Was the Trump character played by Rodney Dangerfield? Maybe Don Rickles? He could have been. The problem, however, is that there’s nothing funny about racism, which seemed to be the primary core of Trump’s blather.

Did Kamala Harris “win” the debate? Uh . . . this wasn’t a ping-pong game, much as “who won?” seems to be the media focal point. My question is: Did anybody win? Did the whole country lose?

When asked why his latest map has erased the whole of the West Bank, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu retorted with the most detestable answer. 

 “I didn’t include the Dead Sea. It’s not shown on the map. I didn’t show the Jordan River. It’s not on this map. I didn’t show the Sea of Galilee,” was Netanyahu's response. 

 The Israeli leader must have known that neither the indigenous population of Palestine, nor the occupied territories of West Bank and East Jerusalem - which are recognized as such under international law - are topographical or geographical phenomena. 

Details about event

The fllowing is a statement from Lynn Tramonte, Director of the Ohio Immigrant Alliance. Share at

Dear neighbors, we see you. We love you. We respect and celebrate you. We are honored that you chose to make Ohio your home, the place where you could find safety, earn a living, establish yourself, and take care of your family.

Unfortunately, Ohio is home to irresponsible elected officials who are attempting to cling to power in the midst of a changing United States. They will say and do anything to stay on top, no matter who they hurt. But they do not represent the views of everyone in Ohio — not by a long shot.

DR. NANCY NIPARKO gives us a hot and heavy weather report from Santa Monica.

Executive Director ALAN MINSKY of Progressive Democrats of America gives us a parallel report on Get Out the Vote efforts and PDA’s new voting calendar.

Greenpeace stalwart KENNY BRUNO gives us the overview on how this year’s presidency could be stolen.

Communities United’s RAY MCCLENDON follows with a terrifying account of the “poster child” for election manipulation in Georgia, advocating that “we take action in advance” to protect our democracy.

From Arizona we hear that JOHN BRAKEY is still being sued by Santa Cruz County for making a records request…but that the likelihood of a fair vote count might be better in Arizona than in Georgia.

MYLA RESON wonders what happens if Harris/Walz win the White House but not the US Senate, especially as it applies to the US Supreme Court.

Nancy Niparko returns to give a rave review to Greg Palast’s new film “Vigilantes,” which we will be examining next week.

LYNN FEINERMAN and MARILYN MARKS express their concerns about counting votes in Georgia.

Kamala Harris won the debate. People being bombed in Gaza did not.

 The banner headline across the top of the New York Times home page -- “Harris Puts Trump on Defensive in Fierce Debate” -- was accurate enough. But despite the good news for people understandably eager for Trump to be defeated, the Harris debate performance was a moral and political tragedy.

 In Gaza “now an estimated 40,000 Palestinians are dead,” an ABC News moderator said. “Nearly 100 hostages remain. . . . President Biden has not been able to break through the stalemate. How would you do it?”

Ban weapon

From Win Without War
Students across the country are heading back to school — and that means they’re facing the threat of gun violence.  On September 4, Apalachee High School was added to an ever-growing list of mass shootings in the United States. Four people were killed, and nine others hospitalized. The suspect is just 14 years old.  The venues of these shootings have varied: Houses of worship, movie theaters, grocery stores, schools, nightclubs. But one thing they often have in common? The gun used to commit the violence is an assault weapon.

The gun lobby would love for us to think it’s impossible, but with champions in Congress and the White House on our side, there is a real chance we will win. There’s already legislation in Congress — the Assault Weapons Ban of 2023 (S.25/H.R.698) — waiting to be passed. One of the simplest, biggest things you can do right now to make that happen? Show up and speak out today.  


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