
Prior to October 7, Hamas has repeatedly warned Israel not to evict Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah’s neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem, attack worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque, torture and abuse Palestinian prisoners, or bomb civilian targets in Gaza. Israel ignored the warning and bombed a 15-story residential building in Gaza, which is home to dozens of families and tens of local international media offices. Immediately, Hamas responded by showering most of the Israeli cities with homemade rockets, forcing Israelis to live in bomb shelters and shutting down Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv. By Mahmoud El-Yousseph
September 14, 2024
For VP Kamala Harris, people with short memories and/or people not in the known, since 2007, Israel has kept Gaza under an illegal and inhumane military siege, counting calorie intake for Palestinians, and permitting the water in Gaza to become undrinkable, thereby creating a humanitarian crisis widely condemned by the international community. Ethnic cleansing of Palestinians has always been Israeli policy.
Lincoln Cafe

Saturday, September 14, 5:30-8:30pm, Lincoln Cafe, 740 E. Long St.

Let’s get together in person for a Salon at the Lincoln Cafe!

We will discuss the upcoming elections with former congressional candidate Morgan Harper from Columbus Stand Up!, Sandy Bolzenius of Move to Amend, and Anita Waters of the Communist Party USA.

Some refreshments will be provided by the Lincoln Cafe.

This event is free and open to the public.

Parking will be available in a parking lot on the east side of the building.

Hosted by The Columbus Free Press.

Facebook Event

Republicans in the US Senate have been urging the White House to provide Ukraine with long-range missiles that can strike deep into Russia. Such is the madness of pro-war sentiment. America’s lackluster Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, has apparently confirmed that Washington plans to shortly deliver such strategic weapons to Ukraine. This week, Britain’s new prime minister arrived in Washington to discuss more strategic arms for Ukraine. One is vividly reminded of the mobs of idiots who thronged Paris train stations in August 1914, screaming ‘on to Berlin.’ As a British historian aptly noted, `if patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels, then war is the first platform of fools.’ US-supplied long-range missiles are the last step between what was a border conflict and all-out war that will very likely go nuclear. Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stated that he reduced conventional forces to divert funds to Russia’s stunted civilian economy. Nuclear weapons, said President Putin, will be used to replace conventional forces if Russia is attacked. We must take him at his word.
Cynthia Btown and David Yost


The Ohio Coalition to End Qualified Immunity (OCTEQI) has been actively working to place a constitutional amendment on the Ohio ballot to end qualified immunity for government officials. This summer their efforts have faced significant legal hurdles, primarily centered around the case of Cynthia Brown vs. Dave Yost, the Ohio Attorney General. Brown is director for the OCTEQI, her leadership inspired by her 30-year-old nephew Kareem Ali Nadir Jones who in 2017 was approached by Columbus police for no good reason, shot in the back and killed.

The Petition Process

Details about event

Friday, September 13, 2024, 6:00 – 10:00 PM
The Good Market, Franklinton Arts District, 400 W. Rich St., Columbus
As of May 30, 2024, we have moved into our new era: We were Pro-Choice Ohio. We are now Abortion Forward.  It has been our honor to work with you, fighting to protect abortion access in Ohio. It takes all of us to ensure abortion access is a reality in our state. 

Come help us introduce the next chapter of our organization, and the next steps in the fight for abortion access in Ohio at The Good Market in Franklinton!  Not able to table? Come say hi and pick up some new swag and materials anyways – we'd love to see you!

Register here


When my dad moved to southwest Ohio in the early 1970s, the Dayton-Springfield area’s second city was home to over 80,000 people. When I was growing up nearby in the 1990s, it was 70,000. Today, it’s less than 60,000.

Springfield’s decline looks like an awful lot of Rust Belt cities and towns. And behind those numbers is a lot of human suffering.

Corporations engineered trade deals that made it cheaper to move jobs abroad, where they could pay workers less and pollute more with impunity. As the region’s secure blue collar jobs dried up, so did the local tax base — and as union membership dwindled, so did social cohesion.

Young people sought greener pastures elsewhere while those who remained nursed resentments, battled a flood of opioids, and gritted their teeth through empty promises from politicians.

Actor playing Michael Jackson with dancers around on stage

This article first appeard on Reel Time with Richard.

A good fireworks show begins with a “wow” and ends with a “WOW,” filling the space in between with enough peaks to fuel our anticipation. MJ: The Musical, based on the life of Michael Jackson, follows that formula almost exactly.

The action has barely begun when the title character (an amazing Jamaal Fields-Green) launches into an MTV-worthy rendition of the Jackson classic “Whip It.” Then, nearly 2½ hours later, the show is only minutes from its finale when it delivers the song-and-dance number we’ve all been waiting for: “Thriller.”

And by the way: When I say “delivers,” imagine the word being followed by multiple exclamation points. The number is so over-the-top astounding that it alone would nearly justify the original Broadway production’s Tonys for choreography (Christopher Wheeldon, who also directs), lighting design (Natasha Katz) and sound design (Gareth Owen).


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