
Refuse War, resist for peace and man breaking a gun in half
Clean skies are proudly azure,
When bloodshed of inhuman war is ceased,
And peace endure.

So says the last poem written by Ukrainian writer Ivan Franko; he desired to end the first world war, but didn't lived to see the Peace of Versailles. If he would, he might be disappointed by short-sighted plans of peaceful life written by victors who never seriously considered life without wars and because of that failed to build sustainable peace.

Of course, in most places, most of the time, people always live in peace, because peace is the need and natural right of every person and every community, including the people of Ukraine. Restraint, truth and love, good trusting relations for centuries and millennia allowed people to live peacefully on the common planet Earth and in each of its countries, including Ukraine.

Peace, rooted in every particle of existence, always surrounds us. Even when we don't notice it. Even when injustice and evil far or near disturb us, cause pain and loss.
Details about event

Monday, September 23, at 12pm US Eastern Time
When we talk about climate change, we often talk about negative tipping points — irreversible devastation that can set off or accelerate the destruction of ecological systems. But there’s another side of the story: positive tipping points. In this one-hour Covering Climate Now press briefing, experts will explain a new report, authored by panelist Professor Tim Lenton, that will be released on Monday, September 23.
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I wrote this after watching this shocking [must see] video that explain
things to you what humanity is up against and
illustrate the urgency of the situation [And if you want to know about the
linked ongoing genocide  and ecoside, just visit]

Unless Kamala Harris reverses course and suspends arms shipments to Israel
used in genocide, Trump will likely win the election because critical
Muslim, Arab and progressive voters in key swing states will not vote for
genocide party A. They will not vote for genocidal party B (Republicans)
now run by the megalomaniac Trump who is willing to burn the world for his

Sen. John Kennedy (R-La) made national news last Tuesday after he told Arab American witness Maya Berry, executive director of the Arab American Institute,
to "hide your head in a bag." I wish he would change his name.
Telling an Arab-American witness to "hide your head in a bag" following her testimony during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on hate crimes and accusing her of supporting terrorism is racist, offensive, and distasteful offensive. Congress needs to educate its members about Islamophobia and racism. 
During the Senate hearing against anti-Arab hate crimes and antisemitism, Miss Berry was invited as an expert witness to testify.

When the Olympics return to Los Angeles in 2028, we can make history— and vastly lower our electric rates, clean our air and employ our people— by making sure the Games are 100% powered with local-generated solar energy. 

That clean green electricity should not be wired in via an obsolete, over-stressed grid, coming from places that should otherwise be left in their natural state. Instead we have four full years to cover every appropriate southern California rooftop with photovoltaic cells.  

That would mean installing solar arrays atop this mega-city’s many square miles of wahouses, businesses, factories and homes. It would also embrace our parking lots and structures, sports stadia, aqueducts, canals, rivers, reservoirs, all powering local-based micro-grids that can save billions in unnecessary generation and transmission costs.

Details about event

Over the past weeks, we have seen violence that’s been incited by harmful political rhetoric. The words of people with power have real impact on our lives. The people of Springfield, Ohio - our neighbors - have experienced these consequences in profound and frightening ways.

Your voice, your prayers, and your presence are a powerful way to counteract the violence. Please join us this weekend for a Zoom Live event to stand in solidarity with the Springfield community as we reject fear and choose love.

Members of Columbus School Board

The Columbus Education Union (CEA) already has enough weirdo enemies in the Ohio GOP and conservatives in general. They hate public school teachers and their list of unwarranted grievances and jealousies is long and disturbing – teachers have summers off, they are desperate to privatize education for profit, and public-school teachers’ unions are a key base of support for the Democratic Party.

But now the leaked planning document scandal looking to marginalize any CEA pushback against possible school closures has exposed the Columbus City School Board as a new/old adversary, say CEA union stewards and members to the Free Press.

“The simple fact of the matter is that we [the CEA] hit national news with the strike, and through the power of that and collective bargaining, we won one of the best and strongest contracts in the nation,” a CEA union steward who wished to remain anonymous told the Free Press.


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