
Backing Ray up is the amazing JOHN BRAKEY, whose pathbreaking work on digital imaging and election audits in Arizona has forever changed our history.

RUTH STRAUSS, LYNN FEINERMAN and TATANKA BRICCA raise major questions about the chaos about to throw the November election into limbo.

STEVE CARUSO fills us in on the completely warped dirty tricks being used to sabotage Ohio’s latest anti-gerrymandering referendum.

PROFESSOR MARCIELLE BRANDLER gives us some critical insights into the minds of young voters.

SANDY BOLZENIUS, based in Columbus, gives us some critical insights into the insanity now engulfing the Ohio town of Springfield.

MYLA RESON reminds us that the MAGA attack on immigration is designed to divert attention from Trump’s catastrophic failure in his debate.

Emmy-winning documentarian DAVID SALTMAN explains Brazilian attitudes toward race vs those in the US.

CAMILLA REES opens a great discussion on RFK, Jr., and the future of large-scale wind farming.

We’re then joined by BONNIE NIXON, sustainability director of the Ports of Long Beach/San Pedro, who is working to make then 100% net zero by 2030….or sooner!!!

Man and young girl stand outside

As the cheating husband who drove his wife to a life of comedy in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Michael Zegen proved he can play a cad without losing the audience’s sympathy. By the end of the series, in fact, we were rooting for him almost as much as we were for his joke-telling ex.

In the comedy-drama Notice to Quit, as actor-turned-real estate agent Andy Singer, Zegen again relies on his natural likability. So, it seems, does first-time writer/director Simon Hacker.

Perhaps more than he should.

To be blunt, Hacker gives us almost no reason to cheer for Andy, an ethics-challenged New Yorker who’s down on his luck. To name just one of his vices, he regularly makes extra bucks by stealing appliances out of vacant properties and selling them to a ragtag gang of thugs.

Then, just as Andy is being evicted from his apartment because he’s behind on the rent, 10-year-old daughter Anna (a relatable Kasey Bella Suarez) shows up and wants to spend the day with him. She’s mad because her mom (Andy’s ex) is moving to Florida, and she doesn’t want to go.  

Details about event

Wednesday, September 25, 6-7pm, Whetstone Park of Roses Shelter House, 3901 N. High St.

What: Join us for a walk through Whetstone Park with Mort Schmidt. We will learn all about the trees that reside within this park. Join us for drinks and snacks afterwards at Rusty Bucket Restaurant and Tavern, 4109 N. High St.

Why: To learn more about the trees that support the Columbus community!

Who: Open to the public; must be 21+ to enjoy drinks.

Hosted by Green Columbus.

Facebook Event

Trail of tears sign

Following his humiliating debate performance, Donald Trump is leaning even harder on the fear factor to rally his base. At the core of that strategy is engendering fear of immigrants. “We have millions of people pouring into our country from prisons and jails, from mental institutions and insane asylums.”  He is doubling down on his calls for mass deportation, promising “the largest deportation in the history of our country.”

I am concerned that Americans have only begun to imagine how devastating mass deportation would be. There are around 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US.  Many are deeply established in their communities. The Migration Policy Institute estimates that more than three million own homes.   What will it look like when millions of established families, many of them with deep roots in their communities, are forcibly torn apart?

People posing with Election Protection sign

We are Ohio's coalition of voter advocates dedicated to ensuring that our elections are modern, secure and accessible to all Ohioans. The Ohio Voter Rights Coalition believes our democracy is strongest when it includes us all. When voters have access to the ballot and make our voices heard, we create a democracy that is more just, equitable, inclusive, and reflective of the values we want to see in the world. 

2024 Fall Election Protection Trainings

OVRC Welcome video 

Open Office Hours: For all your questions or just to say hi! We will be here every Friday from 1-2pm starting October 11 through Election Day. Join here!

Poll Monitors 

Poll Monitors support voters at the polls in-person, answering questions but also connecting voters denied the ballot to legal resources. This is a great way to directly assist voters and be our eyes and ears at the polls, making sure every valid registered voter gets to exercise their rights.


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