
Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir vowed, on August 26, to build a synagogue inside the Muslim holy site Al-Haram Al-Sharif. 

 Ben-Gvir, as a representation of Israel's powerful religious Zionist class in the government and society at large, has been candid regarding his designs in occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine. 

 He has advocated a religious war, calling for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, the starvation or killing of prisoners and the annexation of the West Bank. 


This article was first published by Policy Matters Ohio

In the 1960’s, my grandfather joined the United Steelworkers and together with my grandmother, a nurse, they changed the entire trajectory of our family through the stability and opportunities they earned. Almost 60 years later, my husband joined the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (shout out to Local 683!) after being a non-union journeyman for several years. In addition to better pay, his jobs are more secure, his health insurance more comprehensive, and his worksites safer. I worked in food service, retail, as a nanny, and as a home childcare provider before joining Policy Matters Ohio and the staff union. I have rights and benefits at work that I never even dreamed of as a low-wage hourly worker, like guaranteed wage increases and paid family & medical leave.

Details about event

Everybody Knows plays on WGRN 91.9FM Friday nights at 11:00 PM, and streams live on

This week Dr. Bob and Dan-o talk about and play songs by artists performing this year at the Hot Times Community Music and Arts Festival. 

The show will also play Mondays at 2pm on WCRS 82.7 & 98.3FM and streams live on

Archived shows can be found on the Free Press Network and SoundCloud

Details about event

Friday, September 6, 4-1opm
Saturday, September 7, 11am-10pm
Sunday, September 8, 11am-8pm

NEW LOCATION 2024 only: North Hamilton Park between E. Long St. and E. Broad St.

The Hot Times Festival is a community driven, multi-arts event and has been a project of the Arts Foundation of Olde Towne for over 40 years.

The festival has moved four times and now in 2024 the Festival makes a temporary while construction happens on the traditional site. 

The Hot Times Art Cars will host two new vehicles traveling from Texas along with a host of regional and local cars and will be honoring co-founder Ramona Moon. There will be children's activities, food, drinks, music, arts and crafts and community booths. 



5:00. African Cultural Arts Institute

6:00. Mendelsonics

7:00. Austin & Syd Experience 

8:00. Shaun Booker Dammit Band

9:00. Willie Phoenix


12:00. Wahru’s Drummers

 1:00. Charles Grace Band

 2:00. Billy Zenn & The Beatdowns

With nearly 18 million students on U.S. college campuses this fall, defenders of the war on Gaza don’t want to hear any backtalk. Silence is complicity, and that’s the way Israel’s allies like it. For them, the new academic term restarts a threat to the status quo. But for supporters of human rights, it’s a renewed opportunity to turn higher education into something more than a comfort zone.

 In the United States, the extent and arrogance of the emerging collegiate repression is, quite literally, breathtaking. Every day, people are dying due to their transgression of breathing while Palestinian.

People at food co-op

SoulCall Global invites you to our fun Mystic Cafe Variety Show and Open Mic Friday October 18, 2024.

Help SoulCall Global raise money to feed and house the needy and enjoy an old fashioned variety show with everything from great music and comedy acts to who knows what. Performers are encouraged to sign up.
A keyboard accompanist is available.

Doors open at 6:00 pm
Performances 7:00-9:00 pm

Donation $15 (or more! 100% of profits go to our charitable programs)
Columbus Mennonite Church
35 Oakland Park Ave., Columbus OH 43214
Information at 

To secure a performance time slot, contact Bob Lipetz for a registration
form at, 614-906-4350.

Businesses interested in showcasing their services by becoming a
sponsor, contact Lisa Ferraro at


Thursday, September 5, 2024, September 19, October 3, and October 17 at 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Columbus Metropolitan Library: Shepard branch, 850 N Nelson Rd, Columbus, OH 43219

Also, on Zoom (link will be emailed to you after sign-up).


A two month series of gatherings which teach new members about the basics of socialism, the details of the DSA organization with a focus on the local Columbus chapter. During these meetings, they will meet and mingle with leaders of the chapter as well as current membership.

The following are the topics of each of the gatherings we'll have: 

Week 1 (Sep 5): Socialism Basics

Week 2 (Sep 19): National DSA Organization

Week 3 (Oct 3): Columbus DSA Chapter

Week 4 (Oct 17): Social - Hybrid, in-person location to be determined

Republicans called Obama a communist, when all his worst actions as president were continuations and expansions of Bush’s policies. Democrats called Trump a Nazi when his worst acts were continuations and expansions of Obama’s policies. Now we’re back to calling Harris a communist, while she supports a genocide that Republicans also support.

Calling Kamala Harris a communist isn’t wrong because it degrades Harris, it’s wrong because it degrades communism.

The Biden-Harris administration is knowingly helping the Israeli government wage a campaign of extermination in Gaza that has shocked and horrified the entire world, so obviously the real villain we need to focus on here is Jill Stein.

No serious person believes a bunch of socialists and peaceniks are going to vote for a capitalist warmongering party. Democrats don’t bitch about the Green Party because of lost votes, they do it because they hate being reminded that their party’s a lie and their values are fake.


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