
Trump: Jee whiz, I only have my picture taken at the grave site of a fallen soldier with the family. 
Siri: Arlington Cemetery is supposed to be a hallow and secret place like the USS Arizona memorial.
Trump: Hey how would I know? No one told me about it.
Siri: Since you're running for President of the United States, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
Trump: Shoot!
Siri: What are the 3 qualifications to run for a President in the US?
Trump: That is easy! 1) Speak English, 2) own a US flag, 3) Eat at Mickey Ds.
Siri: Wrong! The correct answer: 1) Be born in the US, 2) Be 35 years old, and 3) live the last 14 years in the US.
Siri: Name the 4 states that have capitals named after US Presidents.
Trump: Are you trying to make me look stupid? You must be a Democrat.
Siri: I am affiliated, 45!

Who he is

“He lies blatantly and maliciously, embraces racists, abuses women and has a
schoolyard bully’s instinct to target society’s most vulnerable. He has delighted in
coarsening and polarizing the town square with ever more divisive and incendiary
language. Mr. Trump is a man who craves validation and vindication, so much that
he would prefer a hostile leader’s lies to his own intelligence agencies’ truths and
would shake down a vulnerable ally for short-term political advantage. His
handling of everything from routine affairs to major crises was undermined by his
blundering combination of impulsiveness, insecurity and unstudied certainty.
This record shows what can happen to a country led by such a person: America’s
image, credibility and cohesion were relentlessly undermined by Mr. Trump during
his term.

Phil Donahue

Phil Donahue, whom we lost last week, put honest, antiwar, anticorporate, antiracist, pro-feminist voices on millions of U.S. television screens for decades. Then he was banished by a corporate cartel that had monopolized the airwaves.

Social media provides an illusion of diversity, while establishing new monopolistic gatekeepers. Google was ruled an illegal monopoly in federal court earlier this month.

Media is only one area where corporate monopolization has taken over. Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan is the strongest U.S. government official against this trend that we've seen in a very long time.

But Big Tech billionaire and Microsoft board member Reid Hoffman has donated tens of millions of dollars to Democrats in recent years, and he wants Khan fired.

Can politics be equal to the deepest of who we are? Can humanity evolve beyond war?

Such questions — I know, I know — are never officially asked during a presidential campaign. That’s not the point of the election: to plunge philosophically and spiritually into who we are. And thus, as the Trump-Harris race proceeds, not too many people (besides me) will be bringing up Pierre Teilhard de Chardin — Jesuit priest, theologian, scientist, best known as the author of The Phenomenon of Man — who died seventy years ago.

But I can’t tolerate the clichés of state! So let me sneak a dozen or so of Teilhard’s words into the present moment: “Love is the only force that can make things one without destroying them.”

Departing Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan clearly had an unpleasant experience at the world’s largest international institution. 

 In an interview published in the Israeli newspaper Maariv on August 20, the disgruntled envoy said that “the UN building should be closed and wiped off from the face of the earth.”

 Whether Erdan has made this realization or not, his aggressive statement indicates that his four-year career as Israel’s top UN diplomat was a failure. 

Wings of Desire mural and Joe Motil

Using words such as “stolen” or “hijacked,” members of the Tuttle Park Community Recreation Council (CRC) say the City of Columbus took over their Ohio State game day parking fundraiser which has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to support Tuttle Park just north of the off-campus area.

“I was unofficially informed by an upper management Columbus Recreation and Parks Department [CRPD] employee that the CRPD and Columbus Parks and Recreation Foundation [CPRF] decided that due to the profitability of our fundraiser that they were taking it away from us after 29 years,” stated former mayoral candidate Joe Motil in a recent Facebook post.

Motil of Clintonville has been president of the Tuttle Park Community Recreation Council since 1992.

“Those making this decision did not even have the common decency to personally inform us of this takeover. We were informed that the CRPF had hired a private vendor to take over the football parking fundraiser,” stated Motil in his post.


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