
The reason I find myself fighting with both Harris supporters and Trump supporters is because they see the other party as the problem while I see the US empire itself as the problem. They seek to make things better by ensuring that the empire is under the correct management, while I seek the end of the empire.

People say things like “Oh but Kamala Harris speaks so compassionately about the suffering of the Palestinians!”

These dupes had eight years of Obama speaking eloquent, compassionate-sounding words while continuing and expanding all of Bush’s ugliest policies, and they still haven’t learned the lesson here.

This is painful. This is horrible and feels a bit like a betrayal. But I have no choice. Bobby Kennedy Jr. was my friend and co-author. We wrote stories together for Rolling Stone. Bobby introduced my New York Times bestseller and wrote a chapter for Billionaires and Ballot Bandits. And, with Jesse Jackson, we co-authored the Number 1 selling adult single issue comic book of all time, Steal Back Your Vote.

The Terrorist Watch List is managed by the FBI Terrorist Screening Center. The FBI does not publicly confirm or deny any individuals on the Terrorist Watch List. However, "No Fly List" is a subset of the Terrorist Watch List and is overseen by The Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The no-fly list contains names of individuals prohibited from "boarding an aircraft when flying within, to, from, and over the United States." These individuals are part of the federal terrorist watchlist administered by the FBI Terrorist Screening Center.

The Terrorist Watch List and the No-Fly List were created by George W. Bush's administration in 2001 and have continued to be used until this day. There are two types of No-Fly Lists. The second No-Fly List is maintained by individual airlines for unruly passengers. The No-Fly List is different from the Terrorist Watch List, which is a much longer list of people said to be suspected of some involvement with terrorism. Based on Wikipedia, as of June 2014, the Terrorist Watch List is estimated to contain over 2.5 million people whereas the No-Fly list has about 1.8 million.


Sunday, August 25, 2024, 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Location:  Northern Lights Branch of Columbus Metropolitan Library, 4093 Cleveland Ave, Columbus, Meeting Rooms 1 & 2.
Register HERE

Earth with windmills and solar panels

Green power surges in the US

Over 100,000 new jobs and 334 major renewable energy projects are the results of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), according to a new report. 

It has been about two years since the IRA was made into law. A recent report by E2, an industry consulting firm, documents the IRA legislation effect on the renewable energy industry and society in general. 

The E2 report suggests that every dollar of public funding spent by the IRA has generated nearly $3 in private investment.

A separate report by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) indicates the benefit was close to $5 or more of private investment for every $1 of public funds spent. 

The largest recipients of this money from the IRA are Michigan, followed by Georgia, South Carolina, Texas, North Carolina, Ohio and Tennessee. 

Republican hypocrisy regarding renewables

Details about event

Saturday, August 24, 1-5pm
Whetstone Park of Roses Shelter House, 3901 N. High St.

The first Columbus ArborFest, a celebration of the trees, plants, waterways, animals, and insects of Columbus, will be held at Whetstone Park this summer on Saturday, August 24 from 1pm to 5pm. The festival is free to attend and will feature live music, food trucks, local exhibitors, a native plant sale, and activities for adults and children alike.

Use this link to learn more about this event.

Hosted by Clintonville GreenSpot and Green Columbus.

Facebook Event

As I watch former President Trump on the campaign trail, attempting to reclaim the White House, I feel compelled to share a fable that has been on my mind since his first impeachment trial in 2021. This fable from Arab culture, involving a wolf and a dog, provides a striking analogy to the perplexing loyalty many continue to show toward Trump —a man whose flaws are as glaring as his ambitions.

Before diving into the fable, it’s important to understand the cultural significance of dogs and wolves in Arab culture. Historically, the dog, despite being revered as a loyal companion and hunter, is also viewed by some as unclean and impure. This perspective is not unique to Arab culture; similar views are found in Jewish tradition, though Islamic teachings offer a more nuanced view. The Quran, for example, recounts the story of a dog that faithfully accompanied a group of righteous youths fleeing persecution, symbolizing loyalty and protection.

There are some simple truths surrounding all the nonsense being spewed by Israel’s agents and its cheerleaders in the United States, Canada, Europe as well as elsewhere in the Anglophone world. First of all, Israel is no democracy and never has been one since its foundation over seventy-five years ago. It used massacres of entire villages and other assorted terrorism to drive three quarters of a million indigenous Palestinians from their homes. It then passed laws to forbid any return home by those refugees. Many of those displaced are to this day still living in United Nations (UNRWA) funded settlements, up until recently in Gaza, and also in neighboring countries. Diaspora Jews with no roots in the historical Palestine were by way of comparison allowed to enter and settle freely and were given the stolen Palestinian properties. The Palestinians who did not flee and unfortunately found themselves within the new Israeli borders had only limited rights compared to their Jewish neighbors even though many of them were nominally Israeli citizens.


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