
The whole thing may appear to be an exercise in futility, but there is a point why Palestinians are keen on releasing their prisoners, despite the heavy price they continue to pay for their freedom. 

 It may seem rational to ask the question: what is the point of releasing a few Palestinian detainees from Israeli prisons, if the price of doing so is the death of over 15,000 Palestinians in Gaza?

In most media coverage of war — including the hell in the Middle East, where World War III looms —the unexamined assumption is that we, the readers, are spectators, looking on as the missiles fly (mostly in one direction) and Good dukes it out with Evil yet again,

Paradoxically, Good and Evil are in complete agreement at least about one thing: The only way to deal with conflict is through violence.

The last thing either side wants is for this to be questioned — no matter this is the nuclear age and the future of life itself is up for grabs.

The USA dominates the COP28 summit in UAE (28th year of "talking" about
climate change) . The US ($23 trillion economy/GDP - the biggest
contributor to climate change causing greenhouse gases) pledged a tokenism
of $17 million (!) to help developing countries "adapt" and "mitigate"
climate change while pledging $14.3 billion in weapons to Israel (in
addition to billions more already given) and hundreds of billions to the US
military. Note that the US and Israeli militaries are the biggest polluters
of the environment which is producing millions of climate refugees. This is
HYPOCRISY. The problem with COP28 is the problem of the previous 27 COPs:
they are meetings of government officials beholden to lobbies and lobbyists
for the biggest polluters (2400 lobbyists attending this year'*). If
anything the quality of these participating officials (environmental
ministers etc) has gotten worse. As Greta Thunberg said, they go 'bla bla
bla" while our world is being destroyed. While there were attempts to
challenge the US hegemony with groups like BRICS and ASEAN, the Us still

Covert, Michigan and Washington, D.C., December 6, 2023--A coalition of environmental groups, including Beyond Nuclear, Don’t Waste Michigan, and Michigan Safe Energy Future, has submitted


Today, the Ohio Student Association condemned the House Higher Education Committee’s passage of Senate Bill 83 — the Higher Education Destruction Act — with a vote of 8-7.

The Ohio House Higher Education Committee’s sudden passage of SB 83 this morning has left students feeling horrified and betrayed. Certain politicians have claimed that SB 83 was written with the interests of students in mind, but since students have made it clear that this bill is in direct opposition to their interests and lawmakers are still moving it forward, that claim rings hollow.

For months and months, students have organized testimony workshops on campus, written and submitted testimony, sent letters, met with legislators, and organized direct actions on their campuses and at the statehouse in opposition to SB 83. 

Man gesturing and a unicorn

A “Unicorn” in the world of business and finance is a privately held company which has raised $1 billion from investors (i.e., Wall Street). Here in Columbus the much-hyped Olive AI, which was a privately held digital health-care company seeking to automate routine hospital administrative tasks, was a Unicorn. And just a few years ago its valuation on paper reached $4 billion.

But as the world of healthcare and Wall Street now know, this Columbus “Unicorn” has gone extinct. The venture capitalists who flooded Olive AI with $1 billion in cash, such as Columbus’s Drive Capital LLC, are desperately trying to get something in return by selling off the remains.

What is disturbing is how venture capitalists saw Olive AI as the greatest of Unicorns. It was regarded as the healthcare IT company to receive the most venture capital funding ever. Exactly how much Wall Street cash Olive AI lost is unknown, some estimate it could be over $100 million.

House, gavel and foreclosure sign

Note: What is Ginther doing at the Climate Summit in Dubai? Is he taking lessons? Having a vacation?  Watching the “sun rise” over a city with a skyline?

More importantly, who paid for his trip?

Never bet on Andy, Council, their division heads, or overpaid for quality of work ad agencies getting anything correct. Their consistency, historically, is against all odds. If our world were random, City reality and reality of the ground would occasionally collide. But never in Columbus, Ohio.

Andy outdoes himself in his  latest dishonest screed, that appears on the first Sunday of December in the anti-editing, non-news Columbus Dispatch beside editor  Robinson’s almost every other day “guest essay.” She is unique in the history of Opinion page editors.

In his latest, Andy begins with an exceptionally rare statement: “Columbus is growing faster than ever before—that’s a fact.”  I was not aware that the City and “mayor” recognized “facts.” In this case, he is correct for recent growth but incorrect over the city’s more than 200-year history.


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