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Tuesday, July 16, 2024  |  noon–1:15 p.m. EDT  |  Zoom

After months of rulemaking, following the template Ohio voters put into law through passage of Issue 2, the Ohio Department of Commerce has established a licensing process for the state’s first adult-use cannabis operators. Ohio medical marijuana operators have a priority in obtaining adult-use licenses, and Ohio could have adult-use stores operating around the state as soon as this summer. Yet many questions about industry regulations and operations remain unanswered, including what legal changes might move forward in the Ohio General Assembly, when and how Issue 2’s social equity provisions will be implemented, and the impacts of an adult-use market on the state’s medical marijuana program.

Please join the Drug Enforcement and Policy Center and our panel of experts as we discuss these topics and more.


JD Vance

Once again, Ohio is trying to pawn off one of its worst politicians on the country. It’s long been a strategy of the Buckeye State to get rid of our crumb-bums by getting them elected to national office. Consider William Henry Harrison, who did the country a favor by catching pneumonia on his way to inauguration; James A. Garfield, whose assassin was smart enough to shoot at point-blank range; William Howard Taft, who aided the nation’s poets by rhyming with graft; and Warren G. Harding, whose cronies from his Ohio hometown were so corrupt that they sold off the country’s first petroleum reserve privately for kickbacks.

Trump and Biden from the recent TV debate

Let’s face it: Donald Trump is in a stronger position than ever to win a second term in November, with his active supporters even more motivated in the wake of the shooting Saturday. Preventing a Trump victory is now unlikely. But we must try.

Top Trump strategists are very eager for their candidate to run against Joe Biden. They’re now worried that the Democratic Party might end up with a different standard bearer.

Having researched political assassinations for 35 years, these are the unanswered questions regarding the assassination attempt on former President Trump. The American public is deeply suspicious, being aware that the government is still withholding documents after 60 years in the JFK assassination, and every other political assassination that has occurred, since Kennedy was murdered by the National Security State in November 1963. It continues to resist reasonable inquiries regarding 9/11, the effectiveness of the Covid 19 vaccinations and other significant events. Those asking questions on social media are asking if the negligence of the Secret Service were intentional, a deep state effort to rid the world of Trump. Others wonder if the event was a setup, just two days before the Republican National Convention, and presenting Trump with an enormous photo opportunity of which he took full advantage. Everyone on both sides knows that we can expect a lack of transparency from our leaders.

Instead of counting Joe Biden’s brain cells, we need to be counting “vigilantes,” the self-proclaimed vote fraud hunters who, under new state laws, can challenge the vote of their fellow Americans and stop their votes from being counted.

In 2022, 88 self-appointed GOP vote fraud hunters challenged 180,000 voters’ registrations in Georgia.

They successfully removed thousands of voters from the rolls in that state.  The group behind the attack on US citizens, True the Vote, glorying in their success in Georgia, has rolled out the vote challenge operation to several swing states and––Are you ready for this numbers?––they signed up 44,000 volunteer vigilante vote challengers so far this year.

Details about event

Monday, July 15, 5pm
Ohio Statehouse. Broad & High Streets
Over 360 martyrs and wounded in Al-Mawasi massacre, shortly after, dozens killed in Gaza City!

No more!

Man hugging woman while both laughing

At the beginning of Conversion, a man tells the story of his first love—and first loss.

At 15, he had a boyfriend whose parents had put him through a doctor’s treatment program in an attempt to convert him to heterosexuality. After classmates discovered the two youths holding hands behind the school, the boyfriend said he was terrified that he’d be sent back into the program.

Later that night, he took his own life.

“Our love killed him,” the man remembers thinking at the time. But, of course, what really killed the boy was society’s problem with homosexuality, as well as the doctor’s attempt to “cure” him through what’s often called “conversion therapy.”

Though this practice is now widely condemned and even illegal in nearly half of U.S. states, thousands of LGBTQ people have been subjected to it down through the years. Three of them tell their stories in Zach Meiners’s new documentary.

A new Israeli massacre of 71 civilians and injuring 289 others in Al-Mawasi
tent city near Khan Younis. This is a place Israel asked residents to move
to as a “safe place”. The victims include civil defense personnel,
ambulance drivers, aid workers, women, children, worshippers in a prayer
tent (mosques were already bombed), and journalists (now 150 journalists
were murdered in Gaza). The scenes are too horrific. The only nearby
hospital is essentially able to offer only first aid as no medical or
surgical equipment are allowed to enter. The world still watches massacre
after massacre daily. Also watching mass starvation. 21000 Palestinians are
also being tortured literally to death in Israeli gulags worse than any of
the medieval age.

This is taking place now on the West Bank.  Bulldozers at work.  First you
take away the infrastructure to make life impossible.  And, then?


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